Maureen Ceramics & Sculpture Logo

Maureen McDonough Bell is best known for her whimsical sculptures of cats adorned with wire whiskers and pierced ears. Currently based in Eureka, California, Maureen has been working with clay since 1996. Her work includes wheel-thrown bowls, vases, lidded jars, and playful sculptures of cats, dogs, bears, and mermaids. She has shown and sold her work in Oregon, California, and Texas.
Designer Notes:
The client was in need of a personal logo to represent her craft. The goal was to communicate what she has to offer simply to guests interested in ceramic/sculpture work with the representation of the vase shape while incorporating Maureen's personal signature. The chosen color palette and translucent cedar branch on the business card is another personal indication of Maureen's love for using the nature around her to imprint her ceramic work.